First Class Version 2 is software offered by the African Violet Society of America, Inc. The database contains names and descriptions of over 15,000 African violet cultivars and species, as well as over 5,400 photos.

SPECIAL NOTE: After a recent Windows 10 update, users report that they can't open First Class. An error message stating "Component 'FTPWizard.ocx' not correctly registered: file is missing or invalid."

If you have this problem, click here to send a message with your database update password.

Find out what First Class Version 2 is all about, and how it differs from Version 1.
Helpful hints and tips on how to perform effective searches, how to crop and resize photos, etc.
Update your program to the latest version for free. Download the instruction manual. You'll also find some free utilities that might be helpful.
Having problems? Maybe you'll find your answer here. If not, you can get free support.
We don't have good photographs of all the cultivars. If you have some to share, we'd be very grateful to have them.
First Class Version 2 can be ordered by phone or by mail, or you can use our convenient on-line form.

The First Class Version 2 database is updated every two months. It's usually posted during the first week of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Would you like a reminder sent to you by e-mail whenever the update is posted? Enter your email address in the form below and click the Subscribe button to subscribe to the reminder list. (You can still update your database, even if you don't get a reminder.)

If you change your e-mail address, unsubscribe. (An unsubscribe link will be given with each reminder.) Then come back here and subscribe under your new e-mail address.

NOTE: This reminder list is for users of the First Class 2 software program. If you do not have the program, the updates are of no use to you, and you shouldn't subscribe.

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