Listed below are problems reported with First Class Version 2. Click on the link for a solution or workaround.

Is First Class compatible with a Macintosh computer? First Class is a Windows program. It will not run on a Macintosh computer. However, there is a Mac version of First Class available through the African Violet Society of America.

Can I use First Class on my smart phone or tablet? First Class is a Windows program. It will run on a Windows Surface tablet that has the full Windows 8 OS or higher. It will not run on other tablets or phones. However, there are versions available through the African Violet Society of America that will run on an iOS or Android device.

I have a new computer with Windows 7 or higher. I cannot install First Class from my CD, or I can install it, but I get an error message when trying to open it.

When attempting to upgrade to a higher version, I get an error message saying bszip.ocx not correctly registered: file is missing or invalid.

When I open First Class I get a Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range.

When attempting to download database updates, I get an error message.

I am getting a new computer. How can I transfer my files without having to re-install First Class and downloading all the updates?

My hard drive crashed, and I lost First Class. How do I restore it?

I cannot maximize First Class to fill the whole screen.

I haven't gotten an update in quite a while. I know my subscription is paid up. Why am I not being notified?

AVSA Show Entries does not launch First Class Version 2.

Labels don't print properly. They either print in landscape mode, or the photos don't line up properly with the text.

It appears that there are several cultivars that are entered in First Class twice, under different names. Is this a mistake?

When I look up a species clone, the name and description at the right are different. Is this a mistake?

I forgot/lost/never got my password: Contact the AVSA office. They keep a record of all passwords.

I lost my instructions: Download the instructions.

I don't know how to update my database: Establish an Internet connection, click on the Update Database tab, and click on the Check for Updates button.

If you run into any other technical problems with the software, or if you have questions about the software, please fill out the form below and submit it. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Make sure you enter your e-mail address correctly, or we won't be able to repond to you! If you don't get a response within one business day, it's probably because you entered your e-mail address incorrectly.

The form below is only for technical problems. For information on ordering, to check on your order, or to obtain your password, contact the AVSA office at (phone) 409-839-4725 or (email)
E-mail Address: 
For Version and Database Date, open First Class and look under the
stamp. If you can't open First Class, leave these two fields blank.
(for example, 2.6.5)
Database Date: 
(for example, Mar 2016)
Operating System: 
Windows XP  Windows Vista   Windows 7   Windows 8, 8.1, or 10

Describe Problem 
or Ask Question: 

Please be specific. 
Include wording of   error message, if   applicable. 

The form above is only for technical problems. For information on ordering, to check on your order, or to obtain your password, contact the AVSA office at (phone) 409-839-4725 or (email)


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