To duplicate the AVML on Diskette, go to the Search tab. Click on the Search button without entering any search criteria. This will return a list with all 14,000+ names on it. Click on the first name ('A La La') then scroll down to the bottom of the list. Hold down the <Shift> key while you click on the last name ('Zuma'). Now all the names on the list should be selected. Click on the Add to Print List button. Your cursor will turn into an hourglass. This will take a while don't think your computer has frozen. After the hourglass icon turns back into an arrow, click on the Print tab, then click on the File Options sub-tab. Select the Tab-delimited text file option and click the Save... button. Name the file avml.txt and save it in the folder of your choice. This file is the same as the AVML on Diskette. |
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